Professional Teeth Whitening

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Professional teeth bleaching is a cosmetic dentistry application that is applied in order to have white teeth by eliminating aesthetic concerns in a polyclinic environment with the help of a dentist. It is in high demand by individuals who want their teeth to gain a white and aesthetic appearance. Because beautiful and white teeth have positive effects on mental health, self-confidence and communication. For this reason, professional teeth bleaching is of great interest among today's aesthetic dentistry applications.

What is Teeth Bleaching?

Teeth experience color change due to many factors. As a result of yellowing, darkening and color changes in the teeth, an aesthetically bad appearance occurs. As a matter of fact, everyone wants to have white teeth. In order to meet this request, professional teeth bleaching is applied. Professional teeth bleaching solutions are applied in order to whiten the color of the teeth, to gain an aesthetically pleasing appearance and at the same time to protect the oral and dental health.

Why Do Teeth Turn Yellow?

Teeth experience yellowing, darkening, etc. due to basically two reasons: discoloration due to external factors and internal discoloration. Color change due to external factors is the color change experienced due to the consumption of solid and liquid foods such as coffee, cigarettes, tea, food coloring. Techniques targeting the tooth surface give effective and successful results in whitening teeth that are discolored due to external factors. However, when it comes to internal color change, different applications are applied.

Internal discoloration is discoloration due to health problems that cause damage to existing tissues or loss of function in the tooth structure. Many factors such as febrile diseases in childhood, various drugs, dental traumas, infections, caries and aging cause internal discoloration of the teeth. Professional teeth bleaching solutions are applied in order to remove the color change of the teeth and give them a white appearance in internal discoloration.

Teeth Bleaching Methods

Many methods can be used to whiten teeth. Individuals who want their teeth to gain a white appearance can apply to various whitening methods that they can apply personally in the home environment, or they can also benefit from professional teeth bleaching applications by the dentist in the polyclinic environment. In professional teeth bleaching, after consultation between the dentist and the patient, the application that will give the most successful results that will respond to the patient's aesthetic concerns is determined.

While determining which of the teeth bleaching methods will be applied, attention is paid to many points, especially the type of color change experienced in the teeth of the person concerned, the severity of yellowing or darkening, the prevalence of color change, the age of the patient, and previous dental treatments. In some cases (especially severe discoloration), the teeth bleaching process may take time. In this process, more than one technique may need to be applied in a coordinated manner.


Bleaching is a professional teeth whitening application performed in a polyclinic setting by a dentist. The bleaching process gives very successful results in individuals who experience tooth discoloration due to internal reasons. Bleaching process, which can get effective and fast results in polyclinic conditions, helps to achieve the desired whiteness even when it comes to advanced color change.

Apparatus | Tray

The apparatus (tray) provides whiteness by applying dental apparatuses coated with a gel containing materials used in whitening teeth. The whiteness of the teeth is obtained with the application of the personalized dental apparatus in the home environment for approximately thirty minutes to an hour. Although there are different applications that can be applied at home to have white teeth, it will be the best approach to apply professional teeth bleaching solutions applied by the dentist in order to get effective and successful results.